Ok, lets finish this...
Italy, we already have Randy Neuman on the plant, idiots.
Latvia, "lame".
Lithuania, great voice, awful entry into this contest.
Wow, Malta caught up to the 1980s. Cindy Lauper is huge there..
Moldova, WTF?
Norway, awful (and I didn't know you had black people there).
Poland has Jestem, very pretty and over produced. http://youtu.be/vkm6hCiuyXw
Italy, we already have Randy Neuman on the plant, idiots.
Latvia, "lame".
Lithuania, great voice, awful entry into this contest.
Wow, Malta caught up to the 1980s. Cindy Lauper is huge there..
Moldova, WTF?
Norway, awful (and I didn't know you had black people there).
Poland has Jestem, very pretty and over produced. http://youtu.be/vkm6hCiuyXw
Portugal, what were you thinking?
Romania put up Hotel FM. Talented, but way too fucking smug.
Russia, save me! Nope, they introduce Alexej Vorobjov, who looks like Duran Duran, but sounds like Brian Ferry.
San Marino's (where the hell is that?) entry is unremarkable.
Serbia didn't wow me. Not bad though..
Slovakia always has a strong showing, Twiins wins with solid harmoies;
Slovenia is depressing. The entry is called "No One", bummer. Acoustic quaalude.
Spain's Lucia Perez gets it, have fun!
Sweden (who usually has good entries) scoops up a Beiber wanna be.
Switzerland's Anna Rossinelli had me the second I saw her picture.
Very cute.
Netherlands 3JS needs a new name. Kinda Bryan Adams-ish.
Woah! Turkey can ROCK! Yüksek Sadakat kicks some ass..
Ukraine will probably win with Mika Newton (remember the name), great pipes.
Last, but the least; UK, boy bands that are in their late 20's fail. Blue= FAIL.
I never thought I would agree with this option.