Thursday, October 22, 2009

Regulating Greed?

Hmm, can you regulate greed by limiting Salary? I think the greedy shitty bastards will just go work somewhere that isn't owned by Uncle Sam (that is probably a good thing).

Maybe we will see smart and ethical people fill the vacuum, but will they stay if they have success? Will they go and start looking for a big payout somewhere else? It's a slippery slope that could leave the giant firms without leaders (even if they are corrupt, they make money).

If the bailout was contingent on being paid back once these companies start making profits (say %25 of profit per quarter) we wouldn't need to play with regulating salaries, and these dudes that gave the financial system an enema, would have to watch their risks much closer. No one on Capital Hill has thought of mandating that....

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