I go to this Redstate web site sometimes, just to see what they are spewing. I loved this
post on "American Exceptionalism". Apparently they think a lack of "change" (progress) is a good thing? Welcome to the division between progressives and the rest.
Lets see the facts here; The Dept. Of Labor Statistics reports the following;

When George Bush (part 2) came into office, the unemployment rate was at 4.0. Pretty damn good! Over his 8 years (especially in 2008) he let the unemployment rate jump 3.7 percent, before he did anything.
In January 2009 Obama came into office and the following month, he (and over half of Congress) passed the stimulus package.
To be fair, I think the bank bailout (
TARP) that George Bush passed late in 2008 is mainly responsible for halting the bleeding (and BTW, John Bo[eh]ner and 90 other Republicans voted for it in the House). But I think the stimulus package is keeping things from slipping backwards, or at least helping.
The point here is, both of these Presidents did things that have to be defined as "progressive change". Neither had much choice. So now, on to Health Care.
If anyone reading this doesn't have a story about the existing wasteful healthcash system, then you must be in perfect health. Almost every time I go to a Doctor, I am asked to get tests that are unnecessary. Like the time I had to get an X-Ray and MRI, just to have the Doc look at the results (find nothing) and pronounce I have a pinched nerve. What a joke, a $1500 joke that left me disabled for 2 months.
If we don't change the way Doctors/Insurers practice medicine in the US (cashing in) we will be driven so far into debt/high costs, that no one will be able to afford insurance.
I will take the change (progress), a change for good, and not business as usual, that most "conservatives" seem very to be happy to embrace.
Take off your blinds and stop listening to what the TV and Radio tell you. Go get the facts and reflect on your own experiences.