Friday, February 26, 2010

Jim Bunning - Asshole Or Angel?

"You throw a breaking ball like this."

This fuckhead has been bouncing around Congress for over 20 years, and I have NEVER hear of him until today. Yep, today he decided to grow a pair of balls worthy of a slider and curve ball to end the ninth inning (he used to be a pitcher, get jokes?).

I expect some 15+ Million people in the US (over 630K in his home state) are going to be asking Jim, next week, what the fuck dude? That's how many people will be on the street without a crutch, Unemployment and Cobra Benefits are over. How can one person decide this? Um, thank the Senate for perverting our Constitution to the point of lunacy.

Frankly, I have to admire the move. The US is broke and Jim knows it. Jim has been part of the problem that got us RIGHT here, now he seems to feel guilty. I expect the old white haired guy (one of oh so many) will not run for re-election and go enjoy spending all of that cash he piled up in his 24 years in Congress.

I won't be here to see it, but in 10 years, all these old white guys (both in Congress and across the south) will all be dead. Their legacy and racist dreams will die right along with them. You heard the concern at the Tea Party Convention? "We don't have enough handicapped parking spaces!" Tic Tic Tic...

1 comment:

  1. As long as I live, I will never vote for another republican. This is the last straw.


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