Thursday, June 9, 2011

I Had A Baby Today

Well, it wasn't my baby. I got home from work and changed into shorts and T-Shirt, checked the home email, went out front for a smoke.

I see this toddler, barely able to walk, waddling around in the middle of the street in front of the house. There was a car stopped, because there was a baby in the road! Once the baby waddled to one side, the car left. Left the baby standing there on the street. You fucking asshole.

Another resident across the street came out, got his mail, and left the baby alone in the street. You fucking asshole.

Do people really have no compassion anymore? Just leave a wandering baby all alone? Yes, people do.

So I got the baby into my yard by picking up the softball it was playing with and motioning it over there. Once away from the street I stuck my head in the door and had my son bring me my cell phone. I called 911 and gave them the vitals on the kid and they said they were sending an officer.

Fifteen minutes go by, as I (and my son) keep the baby from heading off across the field to the playground. At one point the baby say down and motioned us to do the same. After a few minutes sitting the baby put up it's arms wanting to get back up. Ok, back to playing with the ball...

The cop shows up and he asks me to stay with the baby while he and his partner (en-route) start knocking on doors.

This is when Dad appears, looking very relieved to find his baby. The kid yelled "daddy"! I knew this was over, but I wanted to see what the cop would do. He asked senior daddy what happened and dad said something about loading up a truck. The cop let it go, then senorita showed up looking upset, but picked up her baby lovingly (I was worried there might be anger). Everyone left..

In retrospect, I lost my 5 year old son in the mall once (I should say, he lost me). So I understand how these things happen, and how the parent feels.  But he was 5, not a toddler.  Never lost a toddler.

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