Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bad Day

Yes, we all have them. I was in a class today that was moderately overwhelming and came home (very late) to a son sitting his lame ass in front of the X-Box till 8PM. I had to yell at him to get his ass upstairs to eat and take a shower. I hate being mad enough to yell like that, it is so easily avoidable.

So the young man is in the shower and I decide to catch up on news of the day and just get more bad news.

Some A-Holes killing Sea Lions in Galapagos, for no reason;

I saw a story about a mother who killed her little baby in the microwave oven, which I will not post because it makes me sick.

The FBI and SEC are just NOW investigating the mess that was the "sub-prime" lending practice of 2 years ago.

Anyone in the US had to see hundreds of fliers/ads like I did when this was going on, right? Didn't these make it to any FBI agents back then? I was freaked out for 2 years about the whole practice and have been grinning at the losses people around the world have had because of it. Why did no one raise the alarm before now? Who the hell has the reigns around here? Are you all blind? It serves you all right to lose cash like you have. I will be damned if I will pay for all of your losses through my taxes too (like I will realistically have a choice?). You made your money and then lost it. Not my fault and you are just back to where you were 3 years ago. Deal with it. A US recession is probably the best thing that we could have happen right now. Seriously.

I have purposely kept ALL of my investments out of the Stock (crash) Market. I plan to continue that practice, because you just can't trust greedy fucking humans.

Oh, things in Kenya and Burma are still screwed. Happy day!

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