Wednesday, November 3, 2010

About Those US 2010 Elections

Just wanted to say; I get totally drunk, then go vote. That way I don't remember what I did, and have no remorse over the next two years.

So GO REPUBLICANS! Hey, at the very least, they all have to work together, right? Simple obstruction will only kill you in 2012. They know this.

As far as Democrats go, they still have the power. Any "undoing" proposed by the House, will be killed in the Senate. It will cost Harry his job in 2012, which is more than fine. I was only happy for his return, because of the alternative (bye bye Engel).

Poor Sharron sails off into the Sunset, and since she thinks the world is flat, she will drop off the edge and never be heard from again. have a good trip.

It will be interesting to see what happens when the vote on raising the National Debt ceiling comes up. John (Orange) Bo[eh]ner will have to get real creative. I predict he increases it, but promises to immediately get out a big knife and start making cuts. He will then embrace everything Obama's Debt Commission (which he opposed) proposes.  He did the same thing with his "Bum-Rush For America".

The Republicans drew the line they have to walk, for the next two years. They pounded "big spending elite" and "government takeover" into people's heads. Now you (John) have to walk that line. Good luck, your own members will revolt, and the Democrats can take a vacation.  The Blue-Dogs can even join with you, and gain a lot of points...

On the up-side, 2012 is looking fantastic, because Democrats can sit back and watch for two years, while Republicans try to live up to their promises.

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