Friday, January 21, 2011

Democrats To Repeal The Affordable Health Care Act

Mike McIntyre
I can't figure out why he voted to repeal the health care law, he seems much more interested in steering Federal tax dollars to his district.  Yeah, scroll down those press releases, they just keep getting better.

Dan Boren
To quote Dan:  "I support common-sense health care reforms such as preventing insurance companies from denying individuals with pre-existing conditions, allowing children to stay on their parents insurance until they are 26, and making it illegal to drop someone because they are sick. "

Um, Dan.  You just voted to repeal all of those things.  If there were other things you want changed in the Law, you have the power to introduce legislation to do that.

Creepy Mike Ross
Mike actually has a good timeline of the changes resulting from the Affordable Health Care Act, but doesn't really point out what he specifically dislikes/likes.  He mentions "concerns" and "beliefs", but no details.  That might be nice to know.  Mike, maybe if you spelled all this out for your constituents, they would actually get it?  Or maybe you don't really support your President?

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