Saturday, July 30, 2011

The US Debt Issue..

If you think the world isn't watching, Al Jazeera English has it as the top story..

It's maddening, listening to the crap from both sides this weekend.  Just cut the spending/tax loop-holes and raise the Debt Limit.  Call me if you want to know how to cut spending.  I have seen the waste at DOD and "civilian" government institutuions....

It's simple, stop "spend it or you won't get it next year", and let them report those dollars back to the Treasury.  1 Trillion easy, over the next 10 years..

Think about it: If every Office/Division across the Federal Government and DOD reported back what they would have wasted, just to spend it? It's a simple mandate, "Cut what you spend, or it will be imposed upon you".

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