Monday, May 28, 2007

Parenthood aint all that

I was strumming through some random Blogs and crossed into a rash of really unhappy women who are trying to get pregnant and are having problems. Not to say the problem is theirs.

Ladies, if you are having trouble getting preggers, it is a SIGN! Stop trying and know you can live your life free of the burdens rug rats cause. I could list them, but it would take all night.

Go have some fun and if during all of that "fun" you get pregnant, then deal with it. If you have had problems, you may need to take the time off to rest up and just take things easy. If that fails, an early hysterectomy would resolve the issue completely. You will be free of the burden and free to just be happy. There are plenty of other people popping out kids to compensate, so don't beat yourself up. The human rat race will go on, belive me.

Take a load off, hit the gym, then relax. Nature always rights itself and we are part of that, with or without kids.

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