Friday, March 7, 2008

How's Your Economy??

The US Department of Labor makes it really hard to figure out how bad off the country is. Some facts/figures I find disturbing;

265,454 people were laid off (extended) in the 4th quarter 2007.

"Effective with the release of data for January 2005, BLS began publishing seasonally adjusted monthly MLS [Mass Layoff] series." (they don't clearly publish raw data anymore).
What happened in 2005 to warrant this? Oh yeah, Bush's "tax breaks" started tanking the economy! We have to make us here look good, see?

I asked them if they could provide totals on individuals receiving Unemployment and/or Welfare each month. I doubt we will ever see those figures, but damn if we won't pay for them and also bail out all the A-Holes who took out sub-prime mortgages.

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