Thursday, May 22, 2008

No-Duh (NOAA) Hurricane Prediction 2008

I LOVE the fact that they now “do not make seasonal landfall predictions”. They did last year, but the post has been “corrected” to not say they predicted 3-5 hurricanes making landfall in the US (I forget, maybe more). They have scrubbed the word “landfall” from the NOAA site, even historical posts. Funny!

The 2008 initial tea leaf reading is here; Or is that a crystal ball and tarot cards?

I love this; “Currently, La Niña seems to be waning, but its atmospheric impacts often persist even after Pacific Ocean temperatures have returned to normal.” Ok, NOAA was created in 1970! They are basing the tem “Normal” to 38 years of data on an earth that is billions of years old. Logic anyone??

Yeah, they boast they have data back to 1950; and look at how much worse 1950 was than all of the 1970’s, 80’s and this year. How can that be???

Smoke and mirrors I say. They have a big wheel they spin and when it stops they giggle, post the projections and cash the checks they get from our tax dollars. These people can’t predict the weather 2 days from now, and you think they project what will happen over the summer/fall or for 100 years??

Get real and stop this madness.

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