Monday, September 29, 2008

Arrgh!! Pirate Update

Yeah, these Lads are screwed with a capital "S", as in shit!

This is where they live (or at least "work");
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Nice place.

So these poor assholes have 3 war ships circling them like sharks (each one more than capable of sending them to meet Allah or whoever they worship and more on the way). I don't know why we need more ships?

If I were president I would get on the phone to Putin and say "Can we sink this mother f-er?". He might say "no". 33 tanks are not cheap and Kenya needs them ya know? (why do I sound like Sara Payline?)

If I was a Pirate and traipsed (which pirates do) onto the deck of a ship I had captured and then saw 33 Russian tanks sitting there;I would say "Oh, wow, my bad. Never mind, have a good day guys. Is there anything you need before I run my ass back home?? Bye then..." And run.

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