Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Orioles Game (click pics to enlarge)

I went to see the Tigers at Orioles last night.
It was a pretty good time, overall. We had the very real threat of a rain-out, as it was raining pretty heavy before the game started:

It broke up and the sun came out, the game started half an hour late, 7:30 PM. We even had a Rainbow:
The field was sloppy wet, we have had a lot of rain all year. It showed, as both teams had problems with odd ball bounces, espacially in the Outfield. I think the looming humidity might have played into the large number of balls being fouled back behind the batters. Normally, these would have been pop-ups in the Infield.

I have to say Willis is one of those pitchers that scares the hell out of me. He only seems to try to turn up the heat when he is behind (and did he ever get behind). That is the sign of a loser, a winner starts with the heat and never lets up:

I had headed over to the "smoking allowed area" at the stadium and got to watch a Baltimore Home Run ball land in the small gallery where degenerates gather to "catch" such balls. I watched this guy snag the ball after it bounced off another lurker and then he got slammed into the fencing (flew over a table) within the spot. He scooped up the ball and hid it behind his back, while all of the others crowded in, lurching to nab the home run ball. He sidestepped away and took his prize, probably to wind up on eBay. It was a scary thing to watch.

We saw a Grand Slam too, but it was Baltimore's game. All their's: "Strike".

Detroit hung their heads in loss, before and after the game. I think the new talent Baltimore is calling up is paying off.
One thing I thought was very cool was one guy selling HotDogs. He put on the Ketchup as requested, but if a customer wanted mustard, he spelled out in cursive "Orioles", in mustard. It was VERY COOL! I didn't get a picture, but what a great "customer service" and cross promotion idea. I had to mention that...

I must also give the Orioles props for being able to get the fans out of the area in a very timely manner after the game. Way better than ANY football game I have been too. Hockey too actually.

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