Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Latest "Health" Bill

In looking at the Max Baucus Bill:

Specifically, premiums could vary no more than the ratio specified for each characteristic:
 Tobacco use – 1.5:1
 Age – 5:1
 Family composition:
o Single – 1:1
o Adult with child – 1.8:1
o Two adults – 2:1
o Family – 3:1
Premiums could also vary among, but not within, rating areas to reflect geographic differences. States would define geographic rating areas.

That is pretty obscure stuff. I like punishing anyone with one kid more than a smoker, but rewarding people who have two or more kids. A little strange to me and actually leans in favor of minorities, whom typically have larger families (the current system does this too). This is also very prejudiced against the elderly. 5 to 1 ratio in costs as we get older?? Isn't age a preexisting condition, so we should get a pass?

They allow "across state line" pacts, but not until 2015.

They allow plans to spread out as far as they want, as long as they are licensed in each state they want to work in. I am not sure if this is good or bad, but it could lead to competition. Rates for a given plan can still fluctuate from state to state (boo).
Will not be "used to pay for abortions unless the pregnancy is due to rape, incest, or if the life of the mother is in danger".

Everyone will be "required" to buy some form of health insurance. Socialist, or smart? Up to you, but I don't hear many people complain about Auto Insurance requirements.

This forces all States to create an "Ombudsman Office", but provides no funding to do so. The office will hear complaints about rejected claims, which will be a huge burden on states with certain age demographics (older people).

Sets up a new HHS Health Grants program for $30 Million and "such sums as necessary after these dollars are expended". Too open ended...

Requires Insurers to publicly disclose admin cost percentages right away, I like that! Same as charities.

That's it up till page 42. Read the rest yourselves, you lazy fucks...

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