Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cut The Plastic!

I went for a walk today and I went by a small local stream and it was chock full of trash. It was a nice day, so I found my son with some friends and asked if they wanted to join me in cleaning up the stream. Everyone declined, except my son. He said he was bored with sitting around the playground doing nothing..

We went and got the big ass garbage bags and went down to the stream. I immediately noticed a woman's purse at the spill way that feeds the branch of the stream. We set it aside, to see if we could return the sand filled pouch to it's owner later.

Plastic bags were everywhere, along with a multitude of recyclable bottles and cans. I set my kid to one side of the stream and I to the other, he collecting recyclables and I the trash. I tossed bottles/cans over to his side and he tossed plastic bags to my side.

We cleaned up about 60 yards of the stream, just what we could see, who knows what is buried. It took less than an hour. The next nice day we have, I will be back cleaning another 60 yards of the stream. It's good exercise.

I called the cops to come get the purse after we had dragged the bulging bags of trash (and separated recyclables) back to the house. I got my exercise for the day and we did some good in the process. Try it where you live, look and you will find little streams. The Plastics entering our Oceans from these places scare me way more than melting glaciers. Way more.

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