Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Know This Sounds Bad...But.

Um, the rest of the world isn't doing so hot right now either. I seriously wonder why, the rest of the world bails out Africa day in and day out?

What did these people do before 1960 when all this 'aid" started flowing into Africa? Oh, that's right, they had less babies and grew some food. The kids would die, so they didn't have them, or did and they died.

Now we fund the "aid" to let them live long enough to have more kids (most with AIDs) and so it goes on and on. They need our "aid".

I know I sound like the ultimate prick here, but they shouldn't even be alive. Life in that part of the world should dry up and either migrate to better climates, or learn (re-learn) how to live for themselves.

The really sad part is, we are bailing out guys living in million dollar+ homes before we try to relocate those in dismal parts of the world; who know nothing other than getting "aid". Send them condoms, not food. Not that they would use them..that is a proven fact. It's a battle that we can't win and will only get worse for us and them.

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